Sales training can sometimes get misunderstood. It's shouldn't just be about an increase in conversion of lead to sign up. It should also take into consideration fees you are selling your service or product at, market which you compete in combined with overall business need... what kind of clients do you want to sell to and what would you like them to buy?

If you generate referral business, then it should also focus on new account generation and account management.

At Keveral, we don't have a one size fits all 'system of success', we prefer to work with our clients to bespoke our consultancy and training to their company need. However there are some key considerations we would suggest before any training is delivered. 


Who in your organisation is responsible for promotion and conversion of opportunity and are they the right individual(s). Sales in any form, like any role, needs the right individual character traits.


The people who do promote your business, have they got the right motivation to get the job done? Motivation is a key to 'go the extra mile' and it doesn't mean money... the fact is that most people aren't motivated by money.


What happens now? What do you say, to who and when? What works and what doesn't?


If you can't measure it, how do you know you are doing better? Who are your stars and who needs help, how do you share best practice....


Is everyone in the know? How do you target and forecast, what is the objective and mission?

Once we understand the above, we can then put to you ways we think you can improve based on what we find. Create a plan with uplift and if you would like to proceed, set about working with you to achieve.

If you would like to find out more and arrange an initial meeting then please get in touch. 



Team Is Everything



'Make sure we have the right people doing the job'


Measure Performance



'Ensure we measure the right outputs'



There is no wrong, but there is a right



'Get teams to share best practice'



Motivate and inspire



'Doesn't mean bonus or commisson, it's a sense of common goal working together, believing its possible. '