Carrying out mystery shopping isn't rocket science.... but when did you do it last? The facts are that while running your firm, you don't have time.

BUT... and its a big BUT! When carrying out mystery shopping on your firm, it has to be done in the right way..... its not so much how its done, its more about what is found, how feedback is delivered and what action is taken. 

We think it's critical and should be carried out regularly. To look at and experience your company from the eyes of a prospect client., otherwise all the cost associated with marketing and lead generation is wasted money.

At Keveral we think is so important that we offer initial mystery shopping free of charge.


We will make multiple enquires to your firm, about services you offer via phone and email over a 5 day period.

All phone calls will be recorded and will accompany a report rating the overall experience with suggested areas which we think could be improved. 


Contact us now and we will arrange a initial meeting to discuss what you would like, then we will start... it's that simple.



Team Is Everything



'No one in your team sets out to do a bad job'


Inspection not expectation



'Too often we assume rather than find out'



Aim to catch people doing it right



'Focus on the positive and praise whenever possible'